
Please join us on March 8th, 2025 at the Salon Comunal in Nosara, Costa Rica for the return of ¡El Gran Espectáculo! This year we have over 85 students that have been working with Hup (clap) HEY! In our Circo Nosara 2025 program that will share some never before seen acts at this year’s circus.  Come together as one community celebrating the incredible youth of Nosara! The show is FREE and perfect for everyone age 1- 101.  This one of a kind performance is sure to fill the your soul with the joy of circus!  

Donations are welcome to support our scholarship fund, and our in-school residencies.  Consider making a donation now so that we can continue offering these life-changing experiences and bringing the community together in such a meaningful way.

Jason and Elena

Hup (clap) HEY!



July 28th – August 22nd

This year, we’re introducing specialized classes designed to focus on specific skills, with the ultimate goal of showcasing those skills in ¡El Gran Espectáculo! We’re also thrilled to offer two brand new classes taught by local Hup (clap) HEY! team members, Marisol Vargas Zeledon and Hector Salazar Rodriguez: Circus-inspired Contemporary Dance and Soccer Ball Foot Juggling

Classes begin the week of January 6th .

¡El Gran Espectáculo! is scheduled for March 8th, 2025

Este año, estamos introduciendo clases especializadas diseñadas para enfocarse en habilidades específicas, con el objetivo final de mostrar esas habilidades en ¡El Gran Espectáculo! ¡También estamos emocionados de ofrecer dos clases completamente nuevas, impartidas por los miembros locales del equipo Hup (clap) HEY!, Marisol y Héctor Salazar Rodriguez: Danza Contemporánea con Inspiración Circense y Malabares con Pelota de Fútbol!

Las clases comienzan la semana del 6 de enero.

¡El Gran Espectáculo! está programada para el 8 de marzo de 2025.

Hup (clap) HEY!


City of Lakes Waldorf School

proudly present the 32nd annual school circus in April 2025.

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photo credit Kyndell Harkness

More info coming soon.


A family friendly fundraiser for the Circo Nosara Scholarship Fund.

HCH Circus Summer Camp – MINNEAPOLIS – August 2023

August 7th – 11th and 14th -18th.

9am – 3pm Monday – Friday

City of Lakes Waldorf School – Whittier campus and Fair Oaks Park
Minneapolis, MN

Hup (clap) HEY! Is back again for our third year of offering high quality circus summer camps right here in Minneapolis! Jason Burnstein (Movement and Circus Arts instructor at CLWS) and Elena Orsak (CLWS Oak Kindergarten teacher) share their love of circus, music, and performance in these two weeks of low pressure, high fun circus-themed camps.  Students will have ample opportunity to play, explore, learn, and perform.  

WEEK 1: August 7th – 11th Open to students in rising 1st grade – 4th grade with an “open house” style sharing of singing and circus skills on the last day. 

WEEK 2: August 14th – 18th Open to students in rising 1st grade – 4th grade AND 5th – 8th grade with a casual circus performance at the end for family and friends to enjoy.

Cinco de Semanas de

Circo de las Estrellas

Hup (clap) HEY! Presenta:

Circo de las Estrellas

Por cinco semanas

9 de Janerio a 10 de Febrario/ Jan 9th – Feb 10th

Para niños de 1°, 2°, 3° Lunes y Viernes a las 2:00 – 3:00pm / For children in grades 1st, 2nd, and 3rd on Mondays and Fridays from 2:00pm to 3:00pm.

Para niños de 4°,5°, 6° Miercoles y Viernes a las 3:00 – 4:00pm / For children in grades 4th, 5th, and 6th from 3:00 – 4:00pm

@ Casa de las Estrellas in Garza

CIRCO NOSARA CLOWN CAMP January 2nd – 6th, 2023

Hup (clap) HEY! is offering an exciting full week of circus clowning fun! Our camp is located in central Guiones at the beautiful KLEI workshop (formerly Costa restaurant – just east of the Tuesday Guiones farmers market). Each day we will explore various circus arts, spend time playing games at the beach, and enjoy lots of fun clowning around.

Drop Off between 8:00 and 8:30am

Pick up at 12:30pm

Snacks and drinks will be provided by the amazing and local restaurant, Naked Foods.

Please send your child(ren) with a water bottle, swimsuit/change of clothes, towel, sunscreen and sun hat.

Hup (clap) HEY!

Circus Summer Camp 2022

City of Lakes Waldorf School – Whittier Campus
Minneapolis, MN

August 8th – 19th, 2022

9am – 3pm

Hup (clap) HEY! returns by popular demand for our second year of offering high quality circus summer camps in Minneapolis! New this year, we are offering TWO WEEKS to students in rising 1st – 4th grades. The first week will end with an exciting “open house” opportunity for our campers to share their new skills with family and friends. The second week will also be open to older participants in the rising 5th – 8th grades (we will split campers as necessary with additional professional staffing). The second week will end in a casual circus performance for family and friends to enjoy.

All participants will get to experience a wide array of circus arts skills from globes, to clowning, tight wire, juggling, mime and more!

CLWS circus alumni are encouraged to join for either session (or both) to serve as counselors-in-training and to deepen their own circus chops. Alumni will receive a 50% discount. Please send an email to [email protected] with your interest and we will pass on the discount code for registration once confirmed.


21 de Junio a 5 de Julio / June 21st – July 5th

Martes y Jueves / Tuesdays and Thursdays

En Casa de las Estrellas escuela en Garza / @ Casa de las Estrellas School in Garza

2:00pm – 3:15pm

ages 6-9 /edades 6-9

¡Sé parte de Hup (clap) HEY! en cinco clases de circo, en el rancho de Casa de las Estrellas en Garza.

Específicamente diseñado para dar a los(as) estudiantes más pequeños(as) una muestra de la alegría del circo.

Creemos en “¡la alegría y la magia del circo para todos!” Pregunte por apoyo financiero, si es necesario para que su hijo(a) asista.

Please join Hup (clap) HEY! for five after school circus classes in the rancho at Casa de las Estrellas in Garza! Specifically designed to give the younger students a taste of the joy of circus.